The village would like to hear from any interested parties in the Oriskany Community about the proposed plan before it is sent to the State. Copies of the document are available from the village clerk’s office or at
The Village of Oriskany will finalize its efforts towards the NYS Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative during an open, public hearing held by teleconference on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. to review the final draft of the Oriskany Police Reform plan.
The Oriskany Village Board of Trustees will hold a special board meeting the same night to review and/or approve the final draft directly following the hearing at approximately 5:15 p.m.
To join the meeting, please visit or call +1 617-675-4444 and enter PIN: 388 058 796 5672#
Alexis Albright, Oriskany Village Clerk
P. O. Box 904, Oriskany, NY 13424