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Village Laws

The following local laws have been adopted by the Village of Oriskany since 1974 (contact the Village Office for further information):

Local Law 1974.1: Electrical Code in the Village of Oriskany

Local Law 1974.2: Property Tax Exemption for those 65 years of age or older.

Local Law 1977.1: Games of Chance within the Village of Oriskany

Local Law 1978.4: Authorizing County of Oneida to collect delinquent village taxes

Local Law 1978.1: Soliciting Requirement in the Village of Oriskany

Local Law 1979.4: Beverage Containers - Use and disposal on public lands

Local Law 1979.2: Annexation of School Property, Manor Lane

Local Law 1983.3: Requiring written notice of certain highway and sign defects prior to maintenance of action against the Village for damages

Local Law 1985.1: Residency Requirement for Village Justice

Local Law 1986.1: Property Veteran's Tax Exemption

Local Law 1983.2: Local Flood Prevention (Amendment, Local Law 1989.2)

Local Law 1990.1: Prohibiting the Illegal Dumping, storing or placing solid or liquid waste material in the Village of Oriskany

Local Law 1992.1: Avoidable Emergency (false or good intent) alarms within the Village of Oriskany

Local Law 1994.2: Establishment of Drug Free School Zones within the Village

Local Law 1996.1: Terminating assessing of property by the Village Board of Trustees.  Assessing accomplished by Assessor, Town of Whitestown. 

Local Law 1998.1: Street Name Change (Furnace St to Country Club Drive)

Local Law 2001.1: Regulating Garage Sales within the Village of Oriskany

Local Law 2004.1: Defense and Indemnification of Local Officials

Local Law 2004.4: Control of Dogs

Local Law 2007.1: Law to prohibit illicit discharges to the municipal separate storm sewer system and to provide for the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the Village of Oriskany

Local Law 2007.2: Amendment to part of the Zoning Laws of 1997 and Providing for the findings of fact relating to stormwater management

Local Law 2008.1: To provide the Codes Enforcement Officer the authority to order property owners to remedy violations of the New York State Property Maintenance Code, Energy Code, Oneida County Sanitation Code and the Village of Oriskany Zoning Law

Local Law 2008.2: Law providing for the administration and enforcement of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code

Local Law 2008.3: Annexation of Town of Whitestown Property, located between Portal Drive and Cider Street

Local Law 2009.1: Village of Oriskany Nuisance Abatement Law

Local Law 2009.2: Village of Oriskany Noise Law.  Local #2, 2009

Local Law 2009.3 & 2009.4: Parking, Speed Zones, Stop Signs, Towing and Wrecker Service, Weight Limitations, Snow Emergencies and Designated Routes and use of Snowmobiles, All-Terrain Vehicles and Dirt Bikes (Motorized) within the Village of Oriskany

Local Law 2009.5: Prohibiting the use of Skateboards on public property within the Village of Oriskany

Local Law 2010.1: Street Name Change (Country Club Drive to Furnace Street)

Local Law 2012.1: Dog Control.  Local Law #1, 2012, supersedes Local Law 2004.4.

Local Law 2015.1: Change of Zoning for a Specific Property from Commercial to Residential (8451 St.Rt.69)

Local Law 2015.2: To override the tax levy limit established in General Municipal Law 3-c

Local Law 2015.3: Change of Zoning for a Specific Property from Commercial to Residential (8453 St.Rt. 69)

Local Law 2015.4: Change the Name of Lansing Street in the Village of Oriskany to Miller Street

Local Law 2016.1: Provide for additional uses in the C-1 Commercial District

Local Law 2020.1: Establishment of Sewer Rates in the Village of Oriskany and the Authorization of MVWR to collect the same

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